@inproceedings{jin2024shop, selected = {1}, abbr = {NeurIPS}, topic = {LLM}, title = {ShopBench: A Massive Multi-Task Online Shopping Benchmark for Large Language Models}, author = {Jin, Yilun and Li, Zheng and Zhang, Chenwei and Cao, Tianyu and Gao, Yifan and Jayarao, Pratik Sridatt and Li, Mao and Liu, Xin and Sarkhel, Ritesh and Tang, Xianfeng and Wang, Haodong and Wang, Zhengyang and Xu, Wenju and Yang, Jingfeng and Yin, Qingyu and Li, Xian and Nigam, Priyanka and Xu, Yi and Chen, Kai and Yang, Qiang and Jiang, Meng and Yin, Bing}, booktitle = {The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems}, year = {2024}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{li2024explainable, selected = {1}, abbr = {CIKM}, topic = {NLP}, title = {ECCR: Explainable and Coherent Complement Recommendation based on Large Language Models}, author = {Li, Zelong and Liang, Yan and Wang, Ming and Yoon, Sungro and Shi, Jiaying and Shen, Xin and He, Xiang and Zhang, Chenwei and Wu, Wenyi and Wang, Hanbo and Li, Jin and Chan, Jim and Zhang, Yongfeng}, booktitle = {The 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, year = {2024}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{zhang2024lifelong, selected = {1}, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Stronger, Lighter, Better: Towards Life-Long Attribute Value Extraction for E-Commerce Products}, author = {Zhang, Tao and Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Xian and Shang, Jingbo and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Findings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2024}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{nguyen2024cori, abbr = {LREC-COLING}, topic = {NLP}, title = {CORI: CJKV Benchmark with Romanization Integration - A step towards Cross-lingual Transfer Beyond Textual Scripts}, author = {Nguyen, Hoang and Zhang, Chenwei and Liu, Ye and Parde, Natalie and Rohrbaugh, Eugene and Yu, Philip}, booktitle = {The 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = {2024}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{nguyen2023enhancing, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, title = {CoF-CoT: Enhancing large language models with coarse-to-fine chain-of-thought prompting for multi-domain NLU tasks}, author = {Nguyen, Hoang H and Liu, Ye and Zhang, Chenwei and Zhang, Tao and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2023}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{liu2023knowledge, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Knowledge-Selective Pretraining for Attribute Value Extraction}, author = {Liu, Hui and Yin, Qingyu and Wang, Zhengyang and Zhang, Chenwei and Jiang, Haoming and Gao, Yifan and Li, Zheng and Li, Xian and Zhang, Chao and Yin, Bing and Wang, William Yang and Zhu, Xiaodan}, booktitle = {Findings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2023}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{hu2023reading, abbr = {TKDE}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Reading Broadly to Open Your Mind: Improving Open Relation Extraction with Self-supervised Information in Documents}, author = {Hu, Xuming and Hong, Zhaochen and Zhang, Chenwei and Liu, Aiwei and Meng, Shiao and Wen, Lijie and King, Irwin and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, year = {2023}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{nguyen2023slot, abbr = {SIGDIAL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Slot Induction via Pre-trained Language Model Probing and Multi-level Contrastive Learning}, author = {Nguyen, Hoang and Zhang, Chenwei and Liu, Ye and Yu, Philip}, booktitle = {The 2023 SIGDIAL Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue}, year = {2023}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{xu2023topic, selected = {1}, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {Towards Open-World Product Attribute Mining: A Lightly-Supervised Approach}, author = {Xu, Liyan and Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Xian and Shang, Jingbo and Choi, Jinho D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2023}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.18350.pdf} }
@inproceedings{hu2023generative, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {GDA: Generative Data Augmentation Techniques for Relation Extraction Tasks}, author = {Hu, Xuming and Liu, Aiwei and Tan, Zeqi and Zhang, Xin and Zhang, Chenwei and King, Irwin and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Findings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2023}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.16663.pdf} }
@inproceedings{nguyen2023enhancinh, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Enhancing Cross-Lingual Transfer via Phonemic Transcription Integration}, author = {Nguyen, Hoang and Zhang, Chenwei and Zhang, Tao and Rohrbaugh, Eugene and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Findings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2023}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.04361.pdf} }
@inproceedings{cui2023patch, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {PV2TEA: Patching Visual Modality to Textual-Established Product Attribute Extraction}, author = {Cui, Hejie and Lin, Rongmei and Zalmout, Nasser and Zhang, Chenwei and Shang, Jingbo and Yang, Carl and Li, Xian}, booktitle = {Findings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2023}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.01016.pdf} }
@inproceedings{huang2023concept, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {Concept2Box: Joint Geometric Embeddings for Learning Two-View Knowledge Graphs}, author = {Huang, Zijie and Wang, Daheng and Huang, Binxuan and Zhang, Chenwei and Shang, Jingbo and Liang, Yan and Wang, Zhengyang and Li, Xian and Faloutsos, Christos and Sun, Yizhou and Wang, Wei}, booktitle = {Findings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2023}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.01933.pdf} }
@inproceedings{cheng2023table, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Tab-Cleaner: Weakly Supervised Tabular Data Cleaning via Pre-training for E-commerce Catalog}, author = {Cheng, Kewei and Li, Xian and Wang, Zhengyang and Zhang, Chenwei and Huang, Binxuan and Xu, Yifan Ethan and Dong, Xin Luna and Sun, Yizhou}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Industry Track}, year = {2023}, pdf = {https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-industry.18.pdf} }
@inproceedings{xu2023think, abbr = {SIGIR}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Think Rationally about What You See: Continuous Rationale Extraction for Relation Extraction}, author = {Hu, Xuming and Hong, Zhaochen and Zhang, Chenwei and King, Irwin and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval}, year = {2023}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2305.03503.pdf} }
@inproceedings{hu2022gradient, abbr = {arXiv}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Gradient Imitation Reinforcement Learning for General Low-Resource Information Extraction}, author = {Hu, Xuming and Meng, Shiao and Zhang, Chenwei and Yang, Xiangli and Wen, Lijie and King, Irwin and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {arXiv}, year = {2022}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2211.06014.pdf} }
@inproceedings{liu2022hierarchical, abbr = {NAACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {HiURE: Hierarchical Exemplar Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Relation Extraction}, author = {Liu, Shuliang and Hu, Xuming and Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Shu'ang and Wen, Lijie and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {The 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2022}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.02225.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/THU-BPM/HiURE} }
@inproceedings{zhang2022open, abbr = {TheWebConf}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {OA-Mine: Open-World Attribute Mining for E-Commerce Products with Weak Supervision}, author = {Zhang, Xinyang and Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Xian and Dong, Xin Luna and Shang, Jingbo and Faloutsos, Christos and Han, Jiawei}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Web Conference}, year = {2022}, pdf = {https://assets.amazon.science/d5/d3/ce07fed14287b4a8c23a7d34bf59/oa-mine-open-world-attribute-mining-for-ecommerce-products-with-weak-supervision.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/xinyangz/OAMine}, video = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrDPV8EMLnA}, slides = {OA-Mine_2022TheWebConf_slides.pdf} }
@inproceedings{wang2022drug, abbr = {PAKDD}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Sparse Imbalanced Drug-Target Interaction Prediction via Heterogeneous Data Augmentation and Node Similarity}, author = {Wang, Runze and Zhang, Zehua and Zhang, Yueqin and Jiang, Zhongyuan and Sun, Shilin and Zhang, Chenwei}, booktitle = {The 26th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, year = {2022}, pdf = {}, code = {} }
@inproceedings{hu2021gradient, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, selected = {1}, title = {Gradient Imitation Reinforcement Learning for Low Resource Relation Extraction}, author = {Hu, Xuming and Zhang, Chenwei and Yang, Yawen and Li, Xiaohe and Lin, Li and Wen, Lijie and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2021}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.06415.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/THU-BPM/GradLRE} }
@inproceedings{hu2021semi, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Semi-supervised Relation Extraction via Incremental Meta Self-Training}, author = {Hu, Xuming and Zhang, Chenwei and Ma, Fukun and Liu, Chenyao and and Lijie Wen and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Findings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2021}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.16410.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/THU-BPM/MetaSRE} }
@inproceedings{xiao2021end, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, title = {End-to-End Conversational Search for Online Shopping with Utterance Transfer}, author = {Xiao, Liqiang and Ma, Jun and Dong, Xin Luna and Martínez-Gómez, Pascual and Zalmout, Nasser and Zhang, Chenwei and Zhao, Tong and He, Hao and Jin, Yaohui}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2021}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.05460.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zalmout2021all, abbr = {KDD}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {All You Need to Know to Build a Product Knowledge Graph}, author = {Zalmout, Nasser and Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Xian and Liang, Yan and Dong, Xin Luna}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining}, year = {2021}, pdf = {https://naixlee.github.io/Product_Knowledge_Graph_Tutorial_KDD2021/}, media = {https://naixlee.github.io/Product_Knowledge_Graph_Tutorial_KDD2021/} }
@inproceedings{zhang2021minimally, abbr = {TheWebConf}, topic = {Graph Mining}, selected = {1}, title = {Minimally-Supervised Structure-Rich Text Categorization via Learning on Text-Rich Networks}, author = {Zhang, Xinyang and Zhang, Chenwei and Dong, Xin Luna and Shang, Jingbo and Han, Jiawei}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Web Conference}, year = {2021}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.11479.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/xinyangz/ltrn}, video = {https://videolectures.net/www2021_zhang_minimally_supervised/} }
@inproceedings{wang2021hierarchical, abbr = {KBS}, topic = {ML & Misc.}, title = {Hierarchical GAN-Tree and Bi-Directional Capsules for Multi-Label Image Classification}, author = {Wang, Boyan and Hua, Xuegang and Zhang, Chenwei and Lia, Peipei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {2021}, pdf = {} }
@inproceedings{hu2020selfore, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, selected = {1}, title = {SelfORE: Self-supervised Relational Feature Learning for Open Relation Extraction}, author = {Hu, Xuming and Zhang, Chenwei and Xu, Yusong and Wen, Lijie and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.02438.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/THU-BPM/SelfORE} }
@inproceedings{nguyen2020semantic, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Dynamic Semantic Matching and Aggregation Network for Few-shot Intent Detection}, author = {Nguyen, Hoang and Zhang, Chenwei and Xia, Congying and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Findings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.02481.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/nhhoang96/Semantic_Matching} }
@inproceedings{xia2020lowshot, abbr = {CogMI}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Low-shot Learning in Natural Language Processing}, author = {Xia, Congying and Zhang, Chenwei and Zhang, Jiawei and Liang, Tingting and Peng, Hao and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence: Vision Track}, year = {2020}, pdf = {} }
@article{chen2020kggen, abbr = {TKDE}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {KGGen: A Generative Approach for Incipient Knowledge Graph Population}, author = {Chen, Hao and Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Jun and Yu, Philip S. and Jing, Ning}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering}, year = {2020}, publisher = {IEEE}, html = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9158381}, code = {https://github.com/hchen118/KGGen-master} }
@inproceedings{mao2020octet, abbr = {KDD}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Octet: Online Catalog Taxonomy Enrichment with Self-Supervision}, author = {Mao, Yuning and Zhao, Tong and Kan, Andrey and Zhang, Chenwei and Dong, Xin Luna and Faloutsos, Christos and Han, Jiawei}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining}, pages = {2247--2257}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.10276.pdf} }
@inproceedings{dong2020autoknow, abbr = {KDD}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, selected = {1}, title = {AutoKnow: Self-Driving Knowledge Collection for Products of Thousands of Types}, author = {Dong, Xin Luna and He, Xiang and Kan, Andrey and Li, Xian and Liang, Yan and Ma, Jun and Xu, Yifan Ethan and Zhang, Chenwei and Zhao, Tong and Blanco Saldana, Gabriel and others}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining}, pages = {2724--2734}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.13473.pdf}, media = {https://www.amazon.science/blog/building-product-graphs-automatically} }
@inproceedings{zhang2020entity, abbr = {IJCAI}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {Entity Synonym Discovery via Multipiece Bilateral Context Matching}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Yaliang and Du, Nan and Fan, Wei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {IJCAI}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.00056.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/czhang99/SynonymNet}, video = {https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2020/video/24954} }
@article{wang2020generative, abbr = {WWWJ}, topic = {Graph Mining}, author = {Wang, Yue and Zhang, Chenwei and Wang, Shen and Yu, Philip S. and Bai, Lu and Cui, Lixin and Xu, Guandong}, journal = {World Wide Web}, number = {4}, pages = {2471--2488}, title = {Generative temporal link prediction via self-tokenized sequence modeling}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11280-020-00821-y}, volume = {23}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.11486.pdf} }
@inproceedings{chowdhury2020med2meta, abbr = {HEALTHINF}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {Med2Meta: Learning representations of medical concepts with meta-embeddings}, author = {Chowdhury, Shaika and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S. and Luo, Yuan}, booktitle = {13th International Conference on Health Informatics, HEALTHINF 2020-Part of 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies, BIOSTEC 2020}, pages = {369--376}, year = {2020}, organization = {SciTePress}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.03366.pdf} }
@article{xia2020cg, abbr = {arXiv}, topic = {NLP}, title = {CG-BERT: Conditional Text Generation with BERT for Generalized Few-shot Intent Detection}, author = {Xia, Congying and Zhang, Chenwei and Nguyen, Hoang and Zhang, Jiawei and Yu, Philip S.}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.01881}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.01881.pdf} }
@article{liu2020interpretable, abbr = {arXiv}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Interpretable Multi-Step Reasoning with Knowledge Extraction on Complex Healthcare Question Answering}, author = {Liu, Ye and Chowdhury, Shaika and Zhang, Chenwei and Caragea, Cornelia and Yu, Philip S.}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.02434}, year = {2020}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.02434.pdf} }
@phdthesis{zhang2019structured, abbr = {Thesis}, title = {Structured Knowledge Discovery from Massive Text Corpus}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei}, year = {2019}, school = {University of Illinois at Chicago}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.01837.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zhang2019joint, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Joint Slot Filling and Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Yaliang and Du, Nan and Fan, Wei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages = {5259--5267}, year = {2019}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.09471.pdf}, poster = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rZpP-4WY7T8AtARXde7qZd5enV53yNOL/view}, code = {https://github.com/czhang99/Capsule-NLU} }
@inproceedings{xia2019multi, abbr = {ACL}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Multi-grained Named Entity Recognition}, author = {Xia, Congying and Zhang, Chenwei and Yang, Tao and Li, Yaliang and Du, Nan and Wu, Xian and Fan, Wei and Ma, Fenglong and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages = {1430--1440}, year = {2019}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.08449.pdf}, code = {https://github.com/congyingxia/Multi-Grained-NER} }
@inproceedings{liu2019generative, abbr = {CIKM}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Generative question refinement with deep reinforcement learning in retrieval-based QA system}, author = {Liu, Ye and Zhang, Chenwei and Yan, Xiaohui and Chang, Yi and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, pages = {1643--1652}, year = {2019}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.05604.pdf} }
@inproceedings{wang2019competitive, abbr = {ICDM}, topic = {ML & Misc.}, title = {Competitive Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning with Counterfactual Thinking}, author = {Wang, Yue and Wan, Yao and Zhang, Chenwei and Bai, Lu and Cui, Lixin and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)}, pages = {1366--1371}, year = {2019}, organization = {IEEE}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.04573.pdf} }
@inproceedings{dong2019missing, abbr = {IJCNN}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {Missing entity synergistic completion across multiple isomeric online knowledge libraries}, author = {Dong, Bowen and Zhang, Jiawei and Zhang, Chenwei and Yang, Yang and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)}, pages = {1--8}, year = {2019}, organization = {IEEE}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.06365.pdf} }
@inproceedings{ma2019mcvae, abbr = {WWW}, topic = {NLP}, title = {MCVAE: Margin-based Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Relation Classification and Pattern Generation}, author = {Ma, Fenglong and Li, Yaliang and Zhang, Chenwei and Gao, Jing and Du, Nan and Fan, Wei}, booktitle = {The World Wide Web Conference}, pages = {3041--3048}, year = {2019}, pdf = {http://www.personal.psu.edu/ffm5105/files/2019/www19.pdf} }
@article{chowdhury2019hierarchical, abbr = {arXiv}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Hierarchical Semantic Correspondence Learning for Post-Discharge Patient Mortality Prediction}, author = {Chowdhury, Shaika and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S. and Luo, Yuan}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.06492}, year = {2019}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.06492.pdf} }
@article{chowdhury2019mixed, abbr = {arXiv}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Mixed Pooling Multi-View Attention Autoencoder for Representation Learning in Healthcare}, author = {Chowdhury, Shaika and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S. and Luo, Yuan}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.06456}, year = {2019}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.06456.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zhang2018generative, abbr = {KDD}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {On the generative discovery of structured medical knowledge}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei and Li, Yaliang and Du, Nan and Fan, Wei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge Discovery \& Data Mining}, pages = {2720--2728}, year = {2018}, pdf = {https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3219819.3220010}, video = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxmcsSKp0ko} }
@inproceedings{xia2018zero, abbr = {EMNLP}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Zero-shot User Intent Detection via Capsule Neural Networks}, author = {Xia*, Congying and Zhang*, Chenwei and Yan, Xiaohui and Chang, Yi and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing}, pages = {3090--3099}, year = {2018}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.00385.pdf}, video = {https://vimeo.com/305945714}, code = {https://github.com/congyingxia/ZeroShotCapsule} }
@inproceedings{chowdhury2018multi, abbr = {WWW}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Multi-task pharmacovigilance mining from social media posts}, author = {Chowdhury, Shaika and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference}, pages = {117--126}, year = {2018}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1801.06294.pdf} }
@article{liu2018direction, abbr = {Ant. Propag.}, topic = {ML & Misc.}, title = {DOA estimation based on deep neural networks with robustness to array imperfections}, author = {Liu, Zhang-Meng and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S.}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation}, volume = {66}, number = {12}, pages = {7315--7327}, year = {2018}, publisher = {IEEE}, html = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8485631}, code = {https://github.com/LiuzmNUDT/DNN-DOA} }
@inproceedings{wang2018market, abbr = {BigData}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Market Abnormality Period Detection via Co-movement Attention Model}, author = {Wang, Yue and Zhang, Chenwei and Wang, Shen and Yu, Philip S. and Bai, Lu and Cui, Lixin}, booktitle = {2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)}, pages = {1514--1523}, year = {2018}, organization = {IEEE}, html = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8621877} }
@inproceedings{liu2018data, abbr = {BigData}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {Data-driven blockbuster planning on online movie knowledge library}, author = {Liu, Ye and Zhang, Jiawei and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)}, pages = {1612--1617}, year = {2018}, organization = {IEEE}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.10175.pdf} }
@inproceedings{wang2018deep, abbr = {ICBK}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Deep Co-Investment Network Learning for Financial Assets}, author = {Wang, Yue and Zhang, Chenwei and Wang, Shen and Yu, Philip S. and Bai, Lu and Cui, Lixin}, booktitle = {2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK)}, pages = {41--48}, year = {2018}, organization = {IEEE}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.04227.pdf} }
@article{li2018finding, abbr = {arXiv}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Finding similar medical questions from question answering websites}, author = {Li, Yaliang and Yao, Liuyi and Du, Nan and Gao, Jing and Li, Qi and Meng, Chuishi and Zhang, Chenwei and Fan, Wei}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05983}, year = {2018}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.05983.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zhang2017bringing, abbr = {Big Data}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Bringing semantic structures to user intent detection in online medical queries}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei and Du, Nan and Fan, Wei and Li, Yaliang and Lu, Chun-Ta and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)}, pages = {1019--1026}, year = {2017}, organization = {IEEE}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.08015.pdf} }
@inproceedings{zhang2017bl, abbr = {ICDM}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {BL-MNE: emerging heterogeneous social network embedding through broad learning with aligned autoencoder}, author = {Zhang, Jiawei and Xia, Congying and Zhang, Chenwei and Cui, Limeng and Fu, Yanjie and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)}, pages = {605--614}, year = {2017}, organization = {IEEE}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.09409.pdf} }
@inproceedings{cao2017deepmood, abbr = {KDD}, topic = {ML & Misc.}, title = {Deepmood: modeling mobile phone typing dynamics for mood detection}, author = {Cao, Bokai and Zheng, Lei and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S. and Piscitello, Andrea and Zulueta, John and Ajilore, Olu and Ryan, Kelly and Leow, Alex D}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining}, pages = {747--755}, year = {2017}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1803.08986.pdf}, video = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1TfSp8NpfM}, code = {https://www.cs.uic.edu/~bcao1/code/DeepMood.py} }
@inproceedings{zhu2017broad, abbr = {CIKM}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Broad learning based multi-source collaborative recommendation}, author = {Zhu, Junxing and Zhang, Jiawei and He, Lifang and Wu, Quanyuan and Zhou, Bin and Zhang, Chenwei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, pages = {1409--1418}, year = {2017}, pdf = {http://www.ifmlab.org/files/paper/2017_cikm_paper2.pdf} }
@article{zhu2017chrs, abbr = {IEEE Access}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {CHRS: cold start recommendation across multiple heterogeneous information networks}, author = {Zhu, Junxing and Zhang, Jiawei and Zhang, Chenwei and Wu, Quanyuan and Jia, Yan and Zhou, Bin and Yu, Philip S.}, journal = {IEEE Access}, volume = {5}, pages = {15283--15299}, year = {2017}, publisher = {IEEE}, pdf = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=7976276} }
@inproceedings{zhang2016mining, abbr = {WWW}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Mining user intentions from medical queries: A neural network based heterogeneous jointly modeling approach}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei and Fan, Wei and Du, Nan and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web}, pages = {1373--1384}, year = {2016}, pdf = {http://gdac.uqam.ca/WWW2016-Proceedings/proceedings/p1373.pdf}, slides = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0NF2TxreW8hTUhRb1ljVldadlk/view} }
@inproceedings{zhang2016multi, abbr = {CIKM}, topic = {Graph Mining}, title = {Multi-source hierarchical prediction consolidation}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei and Xie, Sihong and Li, Yaliang and Gao, Jing and Fan, Wei and Yu, Philip S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management}, pages = {2251--2256}, year = {2016}, pdf = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1608.03344.pdf}, poster = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0NF2TxreW8hZFJYaXlxSmN2NFE/view} }
@inproceedings{liu2016augmented, abbr = {ICDM}, topic = {NLP}, title = {Augmented LSTM framework to construct medical self-diagnosis android}, author = {Liu, Chaochun and Sun, Huan and Du, Nan and Tan, Shulong and Fei, Hongliang and Fan, Wei and Yang, Tao and Wu, Hao and Li, Yaliang and Zhang, Chenwei}, booktitle = {2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)}, pages = {251--260}, year = {2016}, organization = {IEEE}, pdf = {http://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/~sun.397/docs/selfdiagnosis-icdm.pdf} }
@article{li2016extracting, abbr = {TBD}, topic = {Knowledge Graph}, title = {Extracting medical knowledge from crowdsourced question answering website}, author = {Li, Yaliang and Liu, Chaochun and Du, Nan and Fan, Wei and Li, Qi and Gao, Jing and Zhang, Chenwei and Wu, Hao}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Big Data}, year = {2016}, publisher = {IEEE}, html = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7572985} }
@article{zhang2014new, abbr = {KBS}, topic = {ML & Misc.}, title = {A new method to determine basic probability assignment using core samples}, author = {Zhang, Chenwei and Hu, Yong and Chan, Felix TS and Sadiq, Rehan and Deng, Yong}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, volume = {69}, pages = {140--149}, year = {2014}, publisher = {Elsevier} }